Online Domain Registration

Online domain registration ensures the future and the integrity of your brand. These days, it’s literally the first thing you do before starting a new venture, and it’s also the very first thing unscrupulous competitors may do to keep you from success.

Here at BrandTastic SA we make it easy for you by searching for and registering a domain name. We understand the challenges many are faced with when trying to register and transfer a domain name so well, that we are happy to resolve them for you. We will run a domain check to search for availability of your requested URL. Once found available we purchase your chosen domain on your behalf.

Registration without hosting still offers full DNS control, so you can point your browsing and mail records to any IP address, depending on your specific requirements. Here at BrandTastic we make sure your customers can find you online with a unique  domain name and suite of services. Our Online domain registration is a once-off annual fee and is fast, flexible and reliable. If you already have a registered domain name and want to  change your current hosting provider to our hosting platform…We can also assist you with this!

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