Our Customised Marketing Platform

Today’s marketers work with countless tools, technologies and agencies to plan and execute marketing programs, which comes with an equally countless (and overwhelming) number of ways to measure campaign performance. Too often, a client’s search team uses its own SEO tools for measurement and optimization.

And their social team measures performance with (gasp!) an Excel spreadsheet – albeit a sophisticated one, but a spreadsheet nonetheless. Enter BrandTastic’s Dynamic Broad-base Marketing Platform, an online marketing tool that gives you one view of the customer across many channels. It takes data from disparate sources and allows you to effectively measure and manage campaign performance while holding each channel accountable for its metrics.

BrandTastic’s Dynamic Broad-base Marketing Platform

Clients are asking more of their agency partners than ever before. As we evolve as partners, the smart answer is to find the right answer. BrandTastic’s Dynamic Broad-base Marketing Platform is a resource dedicated to connecting innovative brands and the most disruptive platforms in the world to help you find the answers within collaborative partnerships. Together, with a font of intimate relationships with the smartest people, we will answer the world’s hardest problems, create market opportunity and build momentum. Together as one team – brand, agency and disruptor.

How it Works

BrandTastic’s Dynamic Broad-base Marketing Platform is a distributed, scalable, pixel collection and management system paired with a unified, multi-channel, performance data model. Translation: It’s a central hub that lets you see data across the media mix, establishes one version of the truth about campaign performance in real-time and enables true cross-channel attribution. That last one’s important because by allowing all channels to use universal, attributed data for both optimization and reporting, you can attribute proper credit to all of the touch points leading up to a conversion. Subsequently, cross-channel attribution enables you to modify campaigns based on performance to optimize marketing spend – both online and off.